Another season has once again come to an end. For many of us, the end of the season materializes with mixed emotions. Following the closing day, that particular Monday delivers relief for some, but typically an empty void for most – evoking self-doubt and question of replacement. Gazing upward, the slopes resemble a friend who has been abandoned – the resounding creaks from swaying chairlifts beg for companionship. Vast fields of concrete fill our peripheral vision, devoid of vehicles where not even school children occupy. Yes…the summers are also great in Alta; the town is quiet, the hillsides are lush and teaming with wildlife, wildflowers bloom, there’s a certain tranquility within the solitude of the canyon…did I mention the wildflowers?

However, rooted deep within the textured soil and rock that distinguishes Little Cottonwood Canyon, there’s a porous presence that seeps through and permeates the air. Inhale…exhale – a crisp breeze lingers between the sheer granite walls, echoing the cold breath of winter. Inherent to every ski area, there’s a voice; listen… it may wisp past you without notice, but its murmur is incurable. Winter holds Alta in its grasp, never succumbing to the forces of summer. Inconsiderate of the warmer seasons, there’s a soft white blanket – sometimes invisible - that continuously envelops our canvas with an ingrained appetite for skiing, reminding us of the intimate moments we experienced while in the depths of winter.


Here are my top 5 moments during the 2015/2016 season at Alta Ski Area.


5. My good friend and roommate Chris Brule blows up a turn in Westward-Ho at twilight! (December 16th, 2015)

The first few powder days of any ski season are always some of the best. This particular day in December granted us waist-deep turns all day. After skiing nearly bell to bell (and capturing some gold), I wanted to shoot a bit more with Chris and also take advantage of the conditions. Chris was nothing less than committed to the idea…we both rallied just before sunset, skinning to the lower part of Westward-Ho in Wildcat. I couldn’t quite set up the remote flashes in the ideal locations…and it was getting dark rapidly. With the circumstances we both agreed to rally to a turn we had shot earlier in the day…luckily it had filled back in and Chris made a perfect turn and pole-plant! 

Chris Brule blows up a turn at night in Westward Ho at Alta Ski Area, Utah. 

4. Willie Nelson floating a 360 leading tail-grab at 6:30pm in Rocky Point…finalizing our portfolio for the Ski City Shootout! (February 26th, 2016)

Wow…what a week! The Ski City Shootout is a photography portfolio contest that involves 8 selected photographers and 24 athletes over the course of 4 days at the Big & Little Cottonwood Canyon Resorts. I pre-selected my good friend Willie Nelson and rounded out the team with my roommate Chris Brule and mutual friend Lucy Sackbauer. All of us are members of the Alta team and ski Alta every day…therefore the whole week was very memorable. We put in a ton of hours and energy to create the best possible portfolio. On our final day we were assigned to Alta…our home. After locking down 1 solid image early in the day (and getting the opportunity to ski Little Chute for the first time it opened in the season), we knew there was one more image to capture. Willie and I had this cliff in mind (located in the Rocky Point side country of Alta), and I knew this would be the perfect shot to complete our portfolio. I placed two strobes (larger remote flashes) on both sides of the cliff face with one speedlight (normal flash) behind the lip of the cliff. Nerves were certainly running high as we patiently waited for twilight (the perfect light)… With a super awkward takeoff…and firm landing, Willie nailed the grab and skied out. Unfortunately I missed the grab by a few inches…I pleaded with him to hit it one more time…just ONE MORE. Please! As he motivated up top…my nerves were through the roof. I didn’t want to send a friend off a feature like this, knowing I could miss it again. Fortunately Willie held the grab a little longer to ease the difficulty on my end…I have never been more stoked to capture an image…and my teammates can attest as you could probably hear my yells from the Alta parking lot!

Willie Nelson floats a 360 with a leading tail grab in the Rocky Point backcountry at Alta Ski Area, Utah. 

3. Willie Nelson ripping a few turns in a magical winter wonderland! (January 18th 2016)

FYI: This could easily be number 1.  This past season skiing and shooting at Alta was one of my most memorable and productive seasons. This in turn is directly a result of working with Willie Nelson. Since 2010 Willie has been one of my best friends -- talented, compassionate, humble, and hilarious...he's one character you’d never forget! I cannot express how much it meant to me, working side-by-side with Willie, adventuring constantly, cohesively, and capturing images I am most proud of. Willie understands me-and-my style of shooting, and I understand Willie and his style of skiing. I will forever fondly reminisce of these moments we’ve shared at Alta.

Willie Nelson rips a few turns in a winter wonderland in Alta, Utah. 

2. Mt. Superior floating amongst a sea of clouds in a truly surreal sunset in Little Cottonwood Canyon. (March 7th 2016)

On this particular day in March, Willie and myself ventured out the Catherine’s gate on Supreme and into the backcountry. After skiing the Seagull Chute off Mt. Tuscarora, we skinned back up to Mt. Wolverine and skied a fun line in Wolverine Cirque… at this point the canyon was completely socked in…the sun not visible. We debated bailing once we skinned up to the saddle, however once we arrived at the saddle we knew it would only be another 10 minutes before we were on top of Patsy Marley. Once again we rallied our way to the top. Just as I was cresting the ridge looking down into Alta the clouds parted showcasing one of the most impressive, unique, and beautiful sights I’ve seen in my life! In my 9 seasons at Alta…this was the most impressive sight I have witnessed – shared with none other than Willie Nelson and two other humble individuals!

Mt. Superior floats amongst a sea of clouds in a truly surreal sunset in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah. 

1. The FRANK WORLD CLASSIC (April 17th, 2016)

Well…what does a season at Alta come down to? One thing…COMMUNITY. The Frank World Classic (hosted on the closing day) embodies community! This season I had the pleasure of announcing the contest alongside my friend Neil Howard. I know, it may sound funny…but I don’t think I have ever had such an honor. There are so many unique individuals within this community – compassionate, enthusiastic, talented, humble, animated…the list goes on. I am continually amazed with the Alta community, and it is the one reason I will forever return and call Alta home. 

The 2016 Frank World Classic Ski Competition at Alta Ski Area!